The museum night 2019

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„Inovation and digital future“ is an all-present and current issue. Digital technology is there as a support to museums and as a part of everyday life, it is attractive to visitors and it enables creative interaction between visitors on one side and collections and artefacts on the other. It also enables greater accessibility of museum events. At the Museum night 2019 the Brdovec Museum intends to offer side events accompanying the current exhibition „Brdovec and its surroundings in the First World War“. The program includes original war documentaries, a short film about the First World War made by Zaprešić Highschool students in collaboration with Photo-Cinema-Video Club Zaprešić, various quizzes and games on digital platforms and mobile applications. Also, a „Green screen photo booth“ will be set with two scenarios adapted from the First World War.

6 pm: First World War documentaries screening

As an introduction to the digital era of today we are showing the beginnings of documenting current events. By tranferring original footage into new digital form, we enable preservation of the films for the future generations, and at the same time, we enable greater accessibility of films and their usage in education, culture and studies.

7 pm: Short film screening: „100 years since the ending of the Great war“ by students of Ban Jelačić Highschool in Zaprešić

The film „100 years since the ending of the Great war“ is one of the results of the Erasmus+ project K101 named „21st century Curriculum“ which was aimed at increasing digital competence of teachers and students. Highschool seniors have researched the topic in groups in history lessons, developed screenplay and way of topic presentation, made short films lasting 3-5 minutes, and edited best parts into a final product lasting 22 minutes in total.

8 pm: Knowledge quiz via Kahoot mobile app

The knowledge quiz is aimed at a wide range of participants, from students to the elderly. The questions reflect the current exhibition „Brdovec and its surroundings in the First World War“. Participants are supposed to view the exhibition first, and then they can join the quiz via their mobile phones.

6pm- midnight: Ludo: a game for young children

Ludo board game, a favourite game of wounded soldiers during their recovery in hospitals, was invented in Germany in 1908, and it was published shortly before the outset of the war in 1914. It is aimed at all age groups, especially young children.

6pm – midnight: „Green-screen digital photo booth“ with two scenarios adapted from the First World War exhibition.